SAFE_Show_New_LogoLess than three weeks remain until the show, and all the planning and preparation is coming together wonderfully! We have a few random updates to share with you, in no particular order:

  • We have added a Musical Freestyle Test of Choice class to the Dressage line up for Sunday, Aug 3. We already have several entries, including a Western dressage rider who’ll be performing to music, so if you want to get in on the fun, enter now! And spectators, take note! Musical freestyles will follow our Pas De Deux class…lots of fun things to watch on Sunday afternoon! Special thanks to Gwen Blake and Donida Farm who have donated the use of their sound system for Musical Freestyles at the SAFE Show!
  • The overall high score in Dressage will win the opportunity to attend Dressage Through The Levels of 2015, a clinic with Janet Foy and Scott Hassler, which takes place Dec 6-7 at Donida Farm. This two day auditors package, valued at $150, was donated by Gwen Blake and Donida Farm.
  • If you have already submitted your entry form for the SAFE show and you want to add classes, pay for camping, order additional shavings, or change your stall reservation, you can do so online by using the Add Classes online form.
  • Competitors can order additional bales of shavings as part of their online entry, or by using the Add Classes online form. All stalls come with first bedding, and additional bales of shavings are $9 each. Order and pre-pay online to make it easy! (Please, no outside bedding permitted at Dondia Farm.)
  • Don’t forget to buy your dinner tickets for the Saturday night dinner party! We’re serving up slow roasted Texas-style barbecue from Dickie’s Barbecue Pit. along with fresh frozen ice cream made while you watch by Sub Zero Ice Cream. Dinner activities include the Gambler’s Choice Trails Challenge, the Bonanza Prize Drawing, fun classes, a drill team demo, and more! Dinner tickets must be purchased by July 30, so don’t delay, get yours today! Click here to order dinner tickets online!
  • Sponsorships are still available! We are looking for a sponsor for our Main Arena as well as our second Dressage arena! The following High Point Sponsorships are also still unclaimed:

If you’re interested in supporting the show and helping our horses, please visit our Show Sponsorship page for more information!

Keep those entries coming, and as always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Bonnie Hammond at or by phone at 206-331-0006.