By popular demand, we have added Ranch Riding classes to the line up for the SAFE Show this year. These classes will be held on Saturday and will run concurrently with English classes and Western Dressage.
What is Ranch Riding?
Ranch Riding classes are designed to showcase the movement and versatility of ranch style horses. Riders and their horses work individually in the ring to complete a pre-determined pattern which is scored by a judge. The pattern may consist of specified gaits: walk, trot, extended trot, lope, and extended lope; along with some optional maneuvers and a change of direction somewhere in the pattern.
Optional maneuvers may include sidepass; turns of 360 degrees or more; change of leads (simple or flying); walk, jog, or lope over poles; and any other reasonable ranch maneuver.
Ranch Riding at the SAFE Show
The pattern to be used in each class are posted here. Classes may be split or combined based on entries received. Riders will not be penalized for braids, hoof polish, or fancy tack.
Class 106. Ranch Riding Open JACKPOT Class has a $30 entry fee, with $15 of that entry fee added back to a jackpot so that prize money will be awarded.