Eat dessert first!

If you’ve never experienced Sub Zero ice cream, you’ll get the chance at the Exhibitor Party at the SAFE Show which takes place Saturday Aug 3 at Donida Farm. We’re serving up a dinner of show-roasted Texas style barbecue catered by Dickie’s...

An OEIP and PAC Approved Horse Show

The 2013 SAFE Benefit Horse Show is an approved host show for both the Arabian Horse Association’s Open Event Incentive Program (OEIP) and the American Paint Horse Association’s Paint AlternativeCompetition (PAC) program. If you are enrolled in either OEIP...

Bribe Your Horse class

The game is simple. Lead your horse into the arena. Unclip the leadrope, then guide him through a small obstacle course using only treats and your voice, no touching!! Fastest time wins. In reality, however, you just never know how a horse is going to react once the...